Advertising and Technology/Science

There was no distinction between high culture and pop culture. People started designing things that   were serious yet had a light and comical tone to them. Postmodern graphic design didn’t have   much of an impact until the late 80’s because during it’s time, people just saw it as a hodgepodge   of styles on the page with no unifying ideals.Postmodernism was a very different take on   advertising that people were not ready for. It came to a surprise to a lot of people and that is why it   was seem as a movement that we passed over.
Technology during postmodernism was apart of the movement, but not dominant.
It allowed the new development of typefaces although typographers still had to make the type by   hand. Technology helped speed up the process though.
Technology allowed the use of multimedia to become apart of advertising for on of the first times   ever. People were not used to this and therefore rejected the idea of multimedia use. They had never   seen it before and it was very new to them. The same things happened when san serif fonts came   out; people did not like them for a long time because they were different. People were used to seeing   the serifs and therefore saw this new style as weird.