main founder of the New Wave design style was Wolfgang Weingart. In the
early 60's, Weingart began experimenting with compostions using hand
layed type while training as a typesetter at a print shop in Stuttgart.
He became a very avid enthusiast of Swiss typography. For over 40 years
he taught and lectured all around the world.
took 'Swiss Typography' as my starting point, but then I blew it apart,
never forcing any style upon my students. I never intended to create a
'style'. It just happened that the students picked up — and
misinterpreted — a so-called 'Weingart style' and spread it around." -
Wolfgang Weingart
designer who contributed to the founding of the New Wave design style
was April Greiman. Greiman was a student of Weingart. She was one of the
first designers to really embrace the use of computer technology as a
tool for design. Most designers did not like the use of computers due to
errors and pixilation but these were some of the things that Greiman
enjoyed and thought contributed to digital art.